I don’t have to figure it out. I don’t have to know the answer. Neither do you. At least, not always. One of the ways I have often described myself is as a “troubleshooter.” I can look at problems, find potentially more problems, assess those problems, and sometimes come up […]
Eric Ayala
When we talk about doing big things for God, it is usually more about us than it is about God. Growing up, I remember sermons leading to an invitation time to have people surrender. Surrendering for salvation was always at the top of the invitation hierarchy, but second to that […]
The maximum running speed of a human being is 28 mph. That is how fast the human body was designed to go; however, with the technology of automobiles, a human body can travel much faster than it was designed to. Upon an impact at 40 mph, the chance of fatality […]
I deliberately posted this on November 2nd, the day before Election Day. Posting on this day means I have no idea who the winner will be because that isn’t the point. Now, don’t worry, this isn’t a political post; it’s a Christian living post. In the middle of election season, […]
K2 is the second-highest mountain in the world, towering 28,251ft above sea level. Not only is it tall, but it is also dangerous, resulting in the deaths of 77 people who have tried to reach its peak. Some have scaled the vast height, but they did not all use the […]
Every year political winds blow, whether in a news story, congressional action, or Supreme Court ruling. Perhaps no time, however, is as politically charged as during an election season. This causes election anxiety and political fear. I deliberately posted this before Election Day. Posting now means I have no idea […]